Master Class Overview
Learning Together From the Comfort of Your Own Pace
From the Experts

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A class taught by someone who has an expert knowledge or skill in a particular area… especially in music… Famous masterclass of Maria Callas….
That turns out well, as good surgery is like music: you have the partition and you have the interpretation. In surgery, the partition is the operative manual and the interpretation the talented (or not) surgeon!
What is good surgery? The definition is large but probably: well indicated, well performed, safe, elegant and fast.
In our society we tend to trivialize the talent and several surgeons claim themselves to be expert. But expertise is rare! Expertise includes mastering of basic techniques, rationales behind every surgical maneuver, elegance and safety in the gesture. It includes also the knowledge and understanding of the surgical act in such a way that gestures are linked in a logical and elegant sequence. This is not knowing, this is mastering!!
We, in MIS-Academy, we understand this and have selected the real expert to present masterclasses!
The result?? Your benefit…

FREE for Members

Expert's Bio
Pr. Arnaud Wattiez
Professor Wattiez started his career with laparoscopy when he joined the Team of Clermont-Ferrand with Prof. Bruhat. At that time, only ectopic pregnancies promoted by H. Manhes were treated by laparoscopy. He started almost at the same time of the advent of the camera!
His career has been designed by the meetings of legendary surgeons: M.A.Bruhat, H. Manhes, H. Reich, C. Nehzat, D. Dargent. With the team of Clermont-Ferrand (Gérard Mage, Jean Luc Pouly and Michel Canis) they grow and designed most of the techniques still ongoing nowadays. It has been the revolution in women health.
With Professor Bruhat they created the first international center for training in laparoscopic surgery: the CICE. Clermont-Ferrand became the world center for Minimal Invasive procedures and was visited by all.
After 20 years, Professor Wattiez joined the team of IRCAD in Strasbourg (France) as Director of Gynecology and settled the gynecology training at the IRCAD worldwide!
He created the winners group promoting education in young people and with Dr. Campo settle up the GESEA program, first of this kind to certify surgeons in GYN MIS procedures.
His experience in surgical education is recognized, worldwide and very few of the actual MIS surgeons have not passed by one of his courses.
No one than Professor Wattiez is more capable to give this master class in “essentials in laparoscopy”.
About The Course
This master class has been designed to offer a comprehensive and detailed overview of what are the "Essentials in Laparoscopy" relevant for surgeries in order to help you improve your practice.
Over the course of 10 lessons, you will review with the leading expert in laparoscopic gynecological surgery all aspects of the essentials in laparoscopy and all important for tips & tricks for your safe surgical practice.
This masterclass represents all why you should know before starting a case and is enough to perform safely the majority of procedures.
Does it seem basic…not at all! This masterclass is the “Sine qua non” condition to pass from the standard surgeon to the expert one.
Follow this masterclass and you will broaden your minimal invasive surgical activity.
This Course Will Cover:
History of laparoscopy: how the past may influence the present!
Essentials anatomy
Suturing highlights
Rules of dissection
Patients setting
How to manage complications