Fibroids are a very common uterine Tumor that facing every Gynecologist in daily bases. It can be asymptomatic or symptomatic causing abnormal uterine bleeding, Pain and infertility. Recently, numerous medical treatments have been proposed to replace the surgery. Unfortunately, the results doesn’t always meet our expectations and surgery is still the first therapy for the treatment of the myomas, In addition, new knowledge on the role of myomas in the perturbation of the uterine contractibility and for the embryo complication have slightly changed the indication of myomectomy in infertility.
Furthermore, After the dramatic morcellation of a leiomyosarcoma it was necessary to review and change our Practice, but those changes should be done with the light of sciences and not pushed by emotion. The shift back to laparotomy is too harmful for our patients and clear indications and limits should be described.
This course will focus on all the new aspects of myomectomy and risk /indication of Power and bag morcellation as well as the most updated technical tips.
Dr. S. Al Suwaidi (UAE)
Pr. A. Wattiez (UAE)

Online Program
2 Days Course as Online Participant
Platform: ZOOM
Members have discounted price
Exclusive Online Access
Online Lectures
Live Surgery Case
Live Interactive & Virtual Sessions
Live Virtual Demonstration
Gathering the best of online & on-site education
All laparoscopic surgeons are welcome to register to this course.
Alternative way of bringing surgical education at the comfort of your home
Providing the essential knowledge required for clinical application
Explore the clinical applications of surgical performance in gynecology
Learn how to face the difficulties of surgery
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BOTH Courses
Prepare yourself for Certification
Mastery of essential skills
Clinical Application
Certificate of Attendance
CME Credits
Onsite Program
2 Days Course as Onsite Participant
Venue: Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Members have discounted price
Exclusive Onsite Access
Onsite Lectures & Proctorship
Live Surgery Case
Live Interactive & Hands-on Workshop Sessions
Live demonstration
Meet & Greet with the faculties
Gathering the best of online & on-site education
All laparoscopic surgeons are welcome to register to this course.
Indications of Laparoscopic myomectomies based on symptoms/size location of fibroids
Review and practice the principles and techniques to cure fibroids
Enhance your skills through series of hands-on training sessions
Learn to properly diagnose complications & Improve surgical performance